There is a problem of perception regarding anti-Semitism on our continent. To signal it is a Eurobarometer published today by the European Commission. From which it emerges that if for 89% of Jews in the last 5 years, risks and intolerance towards them have increased, the same sentiment is shared by just 36% of the rest of society. Often to be more sensitive to the issue are citizens who have Jewish friends or in whose countries in recent years there have been serious attacks on the Jewish community reported by the media.
In general, 50% of Europeans believe that anti-Semitism is a problem in their own country. But, as mentioned, just over a third think that the phenomenon from 2014 is growing. For 39%, however, the risks are stable while for 10% they have decreased. In eight countries, the majority of respondents believe that anti-Semitism is a problem: it is Sweden (81%), France (72%), Germany (66%), the Netherlands (65%), the United Kingdom (62%), Italy (58%), Belgium (50%, but 49% do not consider it a problem at all) and Austria (47%). However, in 20 countries, the majority of public opinion thinks that anti-Semitism is not a worrying theme: striking cases of Estonia (only 6% perceive a risk against 86%) and Bulgaria (10% vs. 64%).
Interesting to scroll through the data for each individual category. For example, for 52% of women, anti-Semitism is a problem, compared to 48% of men. The perception among those over 40 years of age changes compared to young people: for 52% of the most mature it is a problem, while for the band between 15 and 24 years is only 46%. And yet, 54% of those who completed their studies of hatred of Jews are worrying, while the percentage drops to 44% among those who stopped attending school at 15 (44%) or 19 (49% ).
The perception also varies according to the friendships, so it is more aware of the risks related to anti-Semitism (64%) who has Jewish friends or who (59%) frequents Muslims. Among those who only have relationships with people of their own religion or ethnicity, the concern stops at 42%.